Porsche - Compliance at a Glance

Compliance at a Glance

Compliance with applicable laws is ensured by a business model-oriented compliance organization, legally compliant processes, as well as prevention and reaction measures.

Compliance at Porsche is Everybody's Business.

In order to prevent violations and to help employees comply with applicable laws, Porsche has set up a compliance organization consisting of the Chief Compliance Officer, compliance topic owners at Porsche AG as well as the local compliance officers in the Group companies.

Porsche's Compliance Program consists of various preventive and reactive measures.

On the basis of a group-wide systematic risk analysis - taking into account the specific business models and environments in which the Group operates - Porsche continuously defines needs for further compliance action and prevention measures.

In this context, essential preventive measures include the adoption of compliance directives, the offering of confidential compliance advice, and regular training and information for employees on relevant compliance topics.

The Code of Conduct (PDF; 7 MB) summarizes the most important principles and expectations on business integrity and ethical and sustainable conduct for the Porsche Group and provides the legal and group-internal ground rules to which all employees have to abide by in daily operations. This includes, among others, dealing with conflicts of interest, combating corruption in any form, appropriate conduct within the Group, as well as with customers, business partners and officers, as well as taking responsibility for the economy, the environment and society.

Porsche has adopted Compliance Directives on all compliance topics, including dealing with conflicts of interests, combating corruption, avoiding antitrust violations, and complying with anti-money laundering laws.

Porsche's central Compliance Helpdesk is available to all employees for advice and information on questions relating to compliance.

Senior management and employees receive regular task-related training regarding integrity and compliance to ensure adherence to applicable laws and regulations. They are also obliged to report reasonable suspicions of a violation by employees of the Porsche Group.

One key reaction measure is the establishment of internal and external functions to which tips of potential violations relating to Porsche can be reported.

Managers, employees, customers or business partners of Porsche, public officials or other third parties can report any reasonable suspicions of a violation by employees of the Porsche Group both to the internal Whistleblower Office and anonymously to so-called external ombudspersons.

In either case, any information provided is thoroughly investigated and appropriate action and enforcement will be taken in response to any violations which are found to have taken place. Any such action must comply with applicable employment and co-determination laws.

The implementation status of Porsche’s compliance management system as well as preventive and reactive measures taken is reported regularly to the Porsche AG Executive Board.

Porsche expects compliance with applicable laws, respect for ethical values and sustainable action not only from its own employees, but also from the contracted business partners. The Code of Conduct for Business Partners (PDF; 0.6 MB) applies as the basis for this purpose.